Your Canvas is Waiting

The Beginning: Passion Ignited
My earliest and fondest memories are of me creating things. I loved to paint, draw, and try the newest art supplies that were around when I was growing up. I even continuously begged my parents to buy variations of colorful clay and sand, they always gave in and I let my creativity flow. Creating has always been a part of me, a huge part, might I add.

Babies with Crayons 2
Creating allowed me to be myself and escape to a world of my own. During my teenage years I became more and more intrigued with the idea of creating something out of nothing. Whether I started with a blank piece of paper or canvas, yarn and knitting needles, a block of clay or a clean sidewalk and chalk. The form of art did not matter; I simply enjoyed anticipating what the outcome would be.

Creativity Flows Through All of Us
I also grew to love the process of creating in middle school. I was fortunate enough to attend a middle school that valued art and expression as much as conventional education. Being able to go to a school like Detroit Waldorf allowed me to see the beauty and depth of expression in any form of art.
Waldorf also taught me that I myself am a walking, breathing, expression of art. We all are unique; as we know, no one is exactly the same and this fact alone makes each of us a masterpiece. I also believe that creativity flows through everyone and once an individual taps into and discovers their divine abilities, the sky is the limit.

Social Constructs Impact on Creativity
I continued to embrace all that I learned about art and creativity well after I left Waldorf. Although, once I got to high school my creativity was cut into quarters. Three fourths of what I learned and also adopted while on my own path was put into a box and I did not revisit those gems for many many years. Acknowledging that my unique form of expression was put aside to eventually wilt, I asked myself how my flame was dismantled.


Well, I attended an all girl college preparatory, Catholic high school. Hence, the goal was to make sure every student was ready, if not overly prepared for college. In high school all creative freedom went out the door as you entered the art classroom. Now don’t get me wrong, learning what some consider art fundamentals is important to a certain degree. For those who desire to attend a competitive art school or take on a prestigious apprenticeship, art fundamentals that society has deemed relevant, are important.

Later On: Producing For Approval
The reason I thrived at Waldorf was due to the unconventional teaching methods. Nothing about the way I learned was ordinary so most of my time in high school was spent trying to maintain my grades and stay above water, even in my art classes. Over time the gems that I had to put in a box got further away from my consciousness and my creative uniqueness transformed into simply producing to please and get the approval of my art teacher who was as rigid as they come. All in all, she was doing her job, I get it.

Yellow and Red Faces

Now: Relight Your Torch, Your Canvas is Waiting
On the other hand, as a budding artist that could not relate to common artistic methodologies, my art teacher never rendered support. She did not disapprove of my ideas but she also never reaffirmed that there is more than one way to be a successful artist. Perhaps she was unaware and had also been put in a box as an artist, at some point in her life. Nonetheless, four years of mundane artwork led to me storing the quarter of abilities and spark for creating I had left , choosing a career in the healthcare field (but no regrets as I have gained much knowledge from this choice) and filling my head with false narratives about why I was not a good artist so that I could feel justified in neglecting my gift and ultimate passion.

So here I am, reopening my box of gems over a decade later, relighting my torch and embracing my beautiful mind that is filled with boundless ideas and creations that I want to bring to life. Will you do the same? Relight your torch, I want you to take this journey with me. Yes, I’m talking to you! We are right on time, divinely guided, with an abundance of creativity flowing through us. Please, dismiss doubt, your canvas is waiting.

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